Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Audio transcription is generally charged on an hourly rate. We may offer a "per minute of recording" rate if the proceedings have been professionally recorded and the quality is therefore very good.

Digital recordings will generally be of better quality than analogue ones. The length of time taken to transcribe recordings varies enormously, dependent on the following factors:
  • clarity of the recording;
  • clarity of the speaker(s);
  • speed of speech;
  • content of the recording;
  • number of people speaking.
For your general guidance, we speak around four times faster than we can type, so a one-hour recording should take around four hours to transcribe (this is based on one person speaking clearly and following the guidelines given above). However, some good quality recordings will take less than this.

To keep transcription time to a minimum, try to bear in mind the following points for dictation:
  • speak clearly, slowly and at an audible level;
  • record in a quiet environment;
  • spell out any technical words, names, etc.;
  • start recording well before you speak;
  • avoid using voice-activated recorders as these can often cut off the first few words.
Please remember, the better the sound quality on your recording, the less time it will take to transcribe. The above is given purely for guidance and time taken to transcribe recordings can vary, either way.

Source: http://www.premiertyping.com/

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