Sunday, January 6, 2008

Medical Transcription In The Computer Age

Since then the profession has morphed into something we do on computers, from home, often in PJ’s and fluffy slippers. Corrections are a breeze now - even the ones "back up there in the part where I said...blah, blah, blah." Now-a-days, via the Internet, we can work for medical transcription services who are service providers for hospitals and clinics that do not even need to be in our neck of the woods...and are often not even in the region of the country where we live OR even the same country in some cases.

The abbreviation "cc" now means "courtesy copy" - however, we have nothing to do with getting it printed, except for the fact that we make the notation on the report and send the electronic file to the virtual office where THEY take care of the printing and distributing of the reports - assuming they have a paper copy. The electronic medical record is now gaining ground with the goal of eventually replacing the paper record - again, thanks to the computer age. Typewriters, White Out and Correction tape are now relics and collectibles for history buffs.

But - what about voice recognition technology? Seems like eventually even the MTs will be replaced by that, right? Well...maybe. Maybe they will get it to the point where a heavily accented physician, who likes to use words like "um" while he's thinking, and who goes back to "that part up there where I said...blah, blah, blah" will be an easy thing for it to catch/fix - but I have a feeling we will just go from being called "medical transcriptionists" to "medical editors" or whatever the current term for such a position may be by then...I think "medical language engineer" has a nice ring to it!


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