Thursday, January 3, 2008

Study Reveals Medical Transcription Services Organization Ratings

In the latest KLAS Medical Transcription Services Organization (MTSO) study, 3 years of provider ratings and commentary have come together to shed light on the current trends in transcription outsourcing. In the ever-changing world of transcription, the most recent MTSO study found an increase in provider satisfaction, adjustments in offshore vs. onshore attitudes and even more changes in transcription needs and pricing. In addition, providers shared best practices to help others navigate the quickly changing world of outsourced medical transcription.

Improved MTSO Performance
While providers have been satisfied with outsourced transcription in the past, scores rose 4.5 points this year, from 77.2 to 81.7 out of 100. Vendors showing the strongest improvement were CBay and StenTel. Only one vendor, SPi CyMed, experienced a decrease in provider scoring this year.

Overall, Encompass, Focus and StenTel had the highest performance scores of the 13 MTSOs that qualified for inclusion in the main body of this report. Vendor scores ranged from a low of 73.7 to a high of 88.3. See Table 1.

It is interesting to note the changes in vendor scoring between 2006 and 2007. Table 2 shows the shift in performance scores, ranks and commentary since the 2006 MTSO report. Encompass, Heartland, MedScribe, Superior and TransTech did not have sufficient 2006 data and were therefore excluded.

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