Thursday, November 8, 2007

Amphion Medical Solutions Deliver Results with AVISTA

Medical Transcription Company Improves Product Development Process with Expertise from Experienced, Process-Driven Software Engineering Services Provider

MADISON, Wis.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--After struggling to find the right software development resources for its growing services business, Amphion Medical Solutions, a leading medical transcription and coding services company, found an outsourced software development solution that works. Amphion partnered with AVISTA Incorporated®, a leader in software engineering services, to create and maintain the software used to deliver important medical record transcription and coding services.

Amphion focuses on providing high value solutions to support their customers with a team of experienced medical language specialists and credentialed coders. While the company uses its own software to support its service delivery, software development is not a core business focus. For years the company used independent contractors to create this software. The contractors would move on to new projects once a product was complete — taking their experience and product knowledge with them. Amphion wanted to find a more consistent resource and ensure their products were maintained by software experts. After a costly and off-putting experience with a high-profile software consulting firm, Amphion turned to AVISTA Incorporated.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Outsourcing software development has hugely changed the face of the IT sector and the world woke up to the capabilities and poweress of the seemingly unthought of countries like India which is one of the most sorted as far as the IT work is concerned.

Transcription Services Outsourcing Services