Monday, November 12, 2007

Modest Acquisition Helps Medical Firm Remake Itself

What a difference an acquisition can make.

Business improved dramatically after the struggling medical transcription firm Transcend Services (NASDAQ:TRCR) TRCR bought a small rival two years ago that was run by a mother-and-daughter team.

That's because Transcend decided to copy the mother and daughter's successful business strategy.

Their strategy relied heavily on building personal ties with hospitals and other medical customers. From satisfied customers, their Florida-based firm -- Medical Dictation Inc., or MDI -- got lots of word-of-mouth advertising and plenty of referrals.

Like other medical transcription firms, Atlanta-based Transcend transcribes and edits physician-dictated medical records. In the U.S., it's a $5 billion to $7 billion industry with many small mom-and-pops.

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