Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Medical Transcription Career Benefits

What are the benefits of a medical transcription career? This article gives you more information about why a career in medical transcription is a great choice.

Have you been thinking about a medical transcription career? What's holding you back?

Medical transcription is a great career choice which allows you the flexibility to work from home, earn a good living and have full career control.

As a medical transcriptionist your work will be exciting and vary every day. You'll build relationships with doctors and other hospital staff. You'll have a career that's lucrative, exciting and prestigious.

There are also many differnet choices for jobs. You can choose to work from home for a national online company or for a local company.

You can choose to work at a local hospital or doctor's office. You can start your own local business with small doctor's accounts.

Or you can choose to start your own home based medical transcription business. Your clients can be local where you pick up a micro cassette (where the dictation is recorded) or you can choose to have national clients where they dictate onto wav files which you receive over the internet.

The possibilities for medical transcription job choices are endless. You can choose as many or as little of the above choices as you'd like. Medical transcription is a business where you really do have full control of your earnings and growth.

And there is no shortage of medical transcription jobs in site, so you can be sure this will be a long-term profitable career. Here's what the US Department of Labor has to say:

“Employment of medical transcriptionists is projected to grow faster than average for all occupations through 2014. Demand for medical transcription services will be spurred by a growing and aging population.”

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