Monday, December 10, 2007

Affordable Transcription for Research Interviews

If you've conducted some research including one-to-one interviews, and then realised how much work is involved in transcribing them, you'll probably be looking for an affordable transcription service. There are many transcription services available but sometimes an affordable transcription service can seem hard to find. Transcription is not cheap, because it is a lot more involved than copy typing, but that doesn't mean you can't find affordable transcription, and what's more, by providing good quality recordings you can make the transcription more affordable, as it will take less time to complete.

You could do the transcription yourself, but if you are not a fast touch-typist and do not have specialist transcription equipment then it will take you a very long time. I have had clients come to me saying they started the work themselves and it was taking them 20 hours to produce a transcript of a 1-hour recording. That's why they ended up using a transcription service!

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