Monday, December 3, 2007

If you plan to outsource your organization's medical transcription?

Medical transcription outsourcing greased lightning? If you plan to outsource your organization's medical transcription, make sure you understand what the outsource firm will—and will not—do for you

Your organization's medical transcription volume is steadily increasing. Can the organization handle the workload in house, or should it outsource? Choosing to outsource isn't as simple as it may seem. Many factors need to be considered.

Over the past decade, the healthcare industry has seen an increased demand for transcription and a restructured labor market. In addition, new technologies have changed the nature of report creation, distribution, and management. Many healthcare organizations are turning to outsourced transcription to alleviate the burden of increased transcription needs and to decrease turnaround time. But is outsourced transcription the "greased lightning" everyone hopes for?

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