Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Magic Of The Medical Transcription Information Interview

An effective way to find a medical transcription job quickly and efficiently is through the use of a medical transcription information interview. The old way of looking for a medical transcription job is to send out hundreds of resumes in a shot-gun style of distribution. However, if you desire better odds and quick results, utilize the medical transcription information interview.

An effective way to find a medical transcription job quickly and efficiently is through the use of a medical transcription information interview. The old way of looking for a medical transcription job is to send out hundreds of resumes in a shot-gun style of distribution. However, if you desire better odds and quick results, utilize the medical transcription information interview.

A medical transcription information interview consists of speaking with a medical transcriptionist who has or is currently worked in the specialty in which you are interested. Your job is to ask questions, not ask for a job. You are there to seek information only. If a medical transcription job is offered, it will come as an indirect result of the information interview.

The medical transcription information interview is such a powerful technique that every medical transcriptionist should be utilizing it. Statistics have shown that 1 of every 12 information interviews will yield a job offer. Compare that to the process of sending resumes, and only 1 of every 200 sent will result in a job offer.

The medical transcription information interview works effectively because people still like to meet face to face, help others, and share knowledge. The inherent goodness that is prevalent in most people still prevails. People in the medical transcription are particularly helpful; I know that I received help from all sorts of MTs, including medical transcription job opportunities, when I was new.

While performing a medical transcription information interview, be sure to ask the medical transcriptionist about her/his job experience as a medical transcriptionist, how she/he got her/his start, etc. Ask intelligent questions and write down those answers. Ask how you can compete with others in the medical transcription field today. Also ask about the MT job market in general and how it differs from when the person you are interviewing started in the field. Always write and mail a thank-you note to this person who has been so generous with her/his time.

The medical transcription information interview is a soft approach to seeking out information about what is entailed when transcribing medical reports. More importantly, it is a fun way to garner information and can be used new medical transcriptionists just out of school, people who are considering a career change, and even those already in the medical transcription field who wish to get a feel for what it would be like to work for a different company or work in a different specialty.

MT Mastery Center has powerful tips and techniques to help you get that medical transcription job you want now. Author Mary Ruff-King has used the medical transcription information interview to land many of her MT jobs.

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