Thursday, December 20, 2007

How to Improve your Typing Speed

Typing is a skill that I never took the time to learn in high school. I never thought I’d need it. As an adult, I have found that typing is a necessity. For an at-home business like medical transcription, typing well and accurately could mean the difference between an average business and ever-increasing profits. This article gives suggestions for those who have lived with the “hunt and peck” method most of their lives and people who have been taught how to type but want to increase their speed and accuracy.

For those of you, like myself, who have grown frustrated with how long it takes you to type a document, now is the time to learn the proper technique. I must warn you: it will be a challenge. Your brain and your hands have grown accustomed to typing the wrong way. The one problem with learning a bad habit is that you have to unlearn it.

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