Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Working From Home - Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription "Back In The Day."

I have been doing medical transcription since 1972...back in those days we got up in the morning, got dressed in work clothes, drove to the hospital [or large clinic, although I’ve always worked for hospitals outside the home] and sat at a desk with a large IBM typewriter and typed - really fast and hopefully with accuracy - but we had "White Out" or those little chalky correction papers to insert into our work to correct typing mistakes or "typos". We used carbon paper and an extra sheet of paper (or more!) behind that to make copies; a notation at the end of the report "cc" meant we'd made "carbon copies" to anyone listed there.

In a few years, we progressed to things like electronic typewriters - complete with sticky "correction film tape" installed in them and Xerox machines to make our copies - still working at the institution of our choice. Even with these enhancements there were times when the doctor dictating changed his mind on something he said "back there in the part where I said....blah, blah, blah..." - all the White Out and the "correction tape" in the office were often of no use and the paper came out of the typewriter to be discarded, and we would then have to retype the entire document. I remember there being a lot of swearing that happened in the office - back in the day.

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